Want to get more clients on your website?

We'll analyze your business and offer a business-oriented digital marketing strategy.

Need to carve your niche and take a leading position?

We'll take a deep look at your competitors and market, and create your ideal customer persona.

Want to improve the efficiency of your marketing budget spending?

We'll implement the most effective marketing tools and channels for your business.

BUSINESS CONTACTS & CONSULTING AGENCY OU creates solutions to real problems and expands the potential of both people and profit. We help companies face the challenges of growth, and elevate the power of breakthrough ideas.

All the needed expertise within a single team

Marketing takes a lot of time and skills to succeed in. We’ve gathered an expert team in different fields, which allows us to tackle business challenges in a holistic manner rather than offer only 'piecemeal' solutions. That's why a host of companies choose to work with us.

Reach goals together
We are constantly working with you to achieve the main goal — the growth of your business.

How we work


We study your business’ points of strength, examine your competitors, carefully design your ideal customer profile.

Carry out a technical analysis of your website, fitting structure and content.


We develop a digital marketing strategy based on the conducted analysis. This includes content plan creation, selection of marketing tools, and establishing time frames needed to achieve results.

To correctly evaluate our results we set up analytics systems and gather remarketing audiences via different advertising systems


We track the progress on each individual stage to make sure it corresponds to the goals that were initially set. We cooperate with you to discuss results and new ideas

Finding growth points

We adjust marketing strategy and the overall work scope analyzing the results and feedback from your sales department.  

Let’s Get to Work

Aiandi tee 4-44
74001 Viimsi alevik, Viimsi vald

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