Marketing strategy is the single most important step to growing your revenue and increasing your impact.

Many organizations we speak with tell us they don’t have a strategic plan for their marketing efforts. Sound familiar? They frantically treat the presenting symptoms without building an integrated plan for success. As an experienced ad agency, we know that guesswork rarely works.

That’s why we believe success starts with strategy. Our experience in nonprofit marketing and mission-driven marketing has taught us that a clear brand and integrated strategy gets results every time. Our proven process involves customer and industry research, strategic planning, and creative execution to ensure ongoing results. Why do we care so much about getting this right? Because your mission matters.

Brand Survey

Our belief in objective data sets our work apart. Successful strategy starts with solid data. The first step of our Lean Marketing Plan is the 360º Brand Survey. It’s a deep dive into your company, your audience, and your competition. We poll internal and external stakeholders to build a baseline, and discover their perceptions, needs, and preferences. This is the first and most important step toward clarifying your unique brand platform and crafting a plan for growth.

Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan is an essential foundation for any organization’s marketing success. We’ve used it to help on-mission organizations clarify their brands, increase their revenue, and grow their impact. BUSINESS CONTACTS & CONSULTING AGENCY OU is your playbook for winning. The plan includes, research, goals, objectives, strategies, and action plans for growth. Most importantly, it clarifies your unique brand platform and establishes a custom set of solutions to grow your revenue and multiply your impact.

Ongoing Partnership

With the Marketing Plan in place, we will be poised to work closely with you in achieving the goals we’ve set together. Many of our mission-driven clients hire us to be their entire outsourced marketing department. We are their one-stop-shop for all things marketing. Their growth engine and creative powerhouse. This trusted partnership allows our clients to focus on what they do best – growing the good.

Strategic Consulting

Successful marketing is smart marketing, and smart marketing always starts with strategy. Our advertising consulting services stem from a deep desire to deliver a personalized, individual plan to every client through three important components: analysis, feedback, and integration. Whether it’s social media, or SEO, our strategies are customized and specifically geared toward advancing your position in the marketplace, telling your story, and increasing your impact.

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